2024: Sources and effects of economic growth in Australia

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Syllabus Topic

HSC Topic Three - Economic Issues


Economic growth

  • sources and effects of economic growth in Australia

  • trends in business cycle

2024: sources and effects of economic growth in australia


Economic growth remains a cornerstone of Australia's prosperity, shaping the nation’s future through a complex interplay of various factors. This article delves into the key drivers propelling Australia's economy in 2024 and explores the diverse impacts of this growth on society and the environment. By examining both the positive and negative consequences, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the current economic landscape and offer insights into fostering sustainable and inclusive growth for the future.



Natural resources

Natural resources play a crucial role in driving Australia's economic growth. In 2024, the export sector experienced significant boosts, largely due to the country's rich mineral and agricultural resources. Exports of goods and services rose by 0.7%, underpinned by substantial increases in specific commodities. Notably, there was an 8.3% rise in other mineral fuels and an 8.6% rise in non-monetary gold. However, export prices fell by 1.8%, primarily due to decreased mining commodity prices influenced by reduced global demand.


The overall economic indicators show a resilient economy bolstered by its natural resource exports. The GDP implicit price deflator (IPD) increased by 1.3%, driven by rising domestic prices, and the domestic final demand IPD rose by 1.0%, indicating sustained inflationary pressures within the services sector due to high labour costs.


Human Capital – Labour Market

Several trends in the labour market indicate it to be a source of economic growth, where patterns can influence changes in the economic cycle.

  • Unemployment and Participation Rates:
    • Trend unemployment rate stable at 4.0%.
    • Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased slightly to 4.1%.
    • Trend participation rate stable at 66.8%.
    • Seasonally adjusted participation rate increased to 66.9%.


  • Employment Levels:
    • Trend employment increased to 14,402,500.
    • Seasonally adjusted employment increased to 14,406,100.
    • Employment to population ratio stable at 64.1% (trend) and 64.2% (seasonally adjusted).


  • Underemployment and Hours Worked:
    • Underemployment rate stable at 6.5%.
    • Monthly hours worked increased to 1,967 million (both trend and seasonally adjusted).


  • Full-Time and Part-Time Employment:
    • Trend full-time employment increased by 32,800 to 9,937,100.
    • Trend part-time employment increased by 9,500 to 4,465,300.
    • Part-time share of employment was 31.0%.


  • Implications for Economic Growth:
    • Increasing employment and monthly hours worked indicate economic expansion.
    • Growth in full-time employment suggests more stable job opportunities.
    • Stable unemployment and high participation rates reflect effective labor force absorption.
    • Slight rise in unemployment rate and persistent underemployment highlights areas for improvement.


Government Policies

  • Expected Budget Surplus:
    • Underlying cash balance surplus of $9.3 billion for 2023-24.
    • $10.4 billion positive turnaround from the mid-year forecast.
    • Higher commodity prices and personal income tax receipts significantly contributed to the surplus.


  • Stable Federal Government Net Debt:
    • Net debt expected to remain stable at 20-22% of GDP over the forward estimates.
    • Stability in debt levels supports confidence in fiscal management and economic stability.


  • Inflation Moderation:
    • Treasury forecasts inflation to moderate to below 3% per annum for 2024-25 and beyond.
    • Extension of the Energy Bill Relief Fund, providing $3.5 billion support through to 2025-26, contributes to easing inflation pressures.


  • Future Made in Australia Initiative:
    • Emphasis on clean energy and critical minerals production.
    • Over $13 billion allocated over the period to 2034, focusing on tax incentives for production.
    • Investment in these sectors aims to foster sustainable economic growth and innovation.


  • Social and Affordable Housing Infrastructure:
    • Additional funding for social and affordable housing over the next decade.
    • Increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance complements housing infrastructure measures.




  • Economic growth often leads to increased income and wealth, which improves living standards and quality of life for Australians. Recent trends show that economic growth is expected to grow by 1.1%, reflecting the overall trend in the G7 nation-state averaging 1.7% economic growth. In contrast, however, China’s economic GDP growth remains higher at 5.3%, indicating there’s a significant gap in Australia’s economic growth goals. This slowed economic growth similarly reflects the trends of the current cost of living crisis, posing a risk to living standards of Australians.


  • Consumption and savings: The household saving to income ratio fell to 0.9% from 1.6%, indicating a shift in consumer behaviour possibly towards increased spending. However, the RBA outlines that savings are indeed at a 17 year low, making just 1.1% of total disposable income for the average Australian.


Multiple Choice Questions

What is a primary source of economic growth for Australia in 2024?

Short Answer Questions

1. How have recent trends in the labour market contributed to economic growth in Australia?
Recent trends in the Australian labour market have contributed to economic growth by showing an increase in employment levels and hours worked. The trend employment increased to 14,402,500, and the number of hours worked rose to 1,967 million. Additionally, the growth in full-time employment and stable participation rates indicate a strengthening job market, which supports economic expansion. Although there is a slight rise in the unemployment rate and persistent underemployment, the overall employment trends suggest positive economic momentum.
2. What role do government policies play in supporting Australia's economic growth in 2024?
Government policies play a crucial role in supporting Australia's economic growth by ensuring fiscal stability and promoting investment in key sectors. For 2024, the expected budget surplus of $9.3 billion and stable federal government net debt contribute to economic confidence and stability. Additionally, policies like the Future Made in Australia Initiative, which allocates over $13 billion to clean energy and critical minerals, aim to foster sustainable growth. The extension of the Energy Bill Relief Fund also helps in moderating inflation pressures, supporting overall economic stability.
3. Describe the impact of the recent fall in the household saving to income ratio on the Australian economy.
The recent fall in the household saving to income ratio, which decreased from 1.6% to 0.9%, indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards increased spending. This change suggests that Australians are saving less of their income and potentially increasing their consumption. While this can stimulate economic growth in the short term by boosting demand, it also raises concerns about financial security and the sustainability of consumer spending. With savings at a 17-year low, the Australian economy faces challenges related to household financial stability and potential future economic downturns.



Australian Bureau of Statistics: Australian National Accounts

Australian Bureau of Statistics: Labour Force, Australia

SBS News: Savings all gone? You're not alone and it's intentional, says economist

KPMG: Australian Federal Budget 2024

RBA: Key Economic Indicators Snapshot

The Guardian: Australian workers’ living standards have been destroyed